Courses Offered and Course Content

We not only recognise the problem of knowledge and application challenges in industry but offer solutions. Our courses are based around material used internationally and are comprehensive on training in hydraulics. The content of our courses cover applications in many industries and cater for the different experience levels of delegates. The courses provide for the newcomer to the more experienced, who require a knowledge and understanding of basic to the intermediate application of hydraulics. For the more experienced individual who already has a working knowledge of hydraulic systems. The advanced course provides an in depth presentation on system design, evaluation and applying hydraulic systems efficiently and economically. We have trained thousands of delegates from many industries and conducted in-house courses for many companies throughout Southern Africa.

Hydraulic Training Course (3 days)

The emphasis on this course, is on learning and understanding the basic principles of hydraulics. This understanding is critical for achieving the correct awareness of conditions that can occur in hydraulic system applications, the purpose and application of hydraulic components, hydraulic circuits and logical trouble shooting on hydraulic systems.

Introduction to hydraulics, Principles of Power Hydraulics, Component introduction, including Principles of Operation, Hydraulic Fluids, Filtration, Circuit Reading exercises, Safety when working with hydraulics. Examination on subjects covered.

Who should attend?

The artisan to the engineer, newcomers to the field who need an understanding in the application, maintenance and trouble-shooting of hydraulic systems.

Advanced Hydraulic Training Course (4 Days)

Review of Basic Hydraulics, Hydraulic component application and principles of system design, including cartridge valves, flow dividers, synchronizing cylinders, variable pumps, load sensing, hydrostatic drives. proportional valves, oil contamination evaluation and control, circuit design exercises and logical troubleshooting of hydraulic systems. Examination of the subjects covered.

Who Should Attend

The technician to the engineer whose job requires and in depth understanding of designing evaluation and applying hydraulic systems efficiently and economically. It is recommended that the delegates attending the advanced course should have attended the hydraulics training course or obtained similar experience.

In-House Courses

Hydraulic Training & Consultants can provide in-house courses to suit client’s specific requirements. This offers the opportunity to provide general hydraulic training and specific training on your plant systems. Our approach has proven to be the most beneficial and cost effective for the trainee and the client and often results in the solution of latent problems which can exist in hydraulic systems.

Prices for In-house courses are available on application.



Delegates attending the courses will receive a complimentary copy of the SUN HYDRAULICS CD Interactive Hydraulic Training Program.The programme provides real-time simulations of many hydraulic systems, including component simulations. The interactive programme incorporates a unit converter, sizing of components, pressure, flow, hydraulic power, pipe velocities, temperature control and accumulator sizing.